Product Features

Product Features

Consultant Targets

full view of gallery, gallery locations and consultant

Get a full view of how your gallery is performing overall or by consultant. If you have more than one gallery location we have that covered two. Get a full break down by location and consultant.

How does this benefit your gallery?

Get a full view of how your gallery is performing overall or by consultant. If you have more than one gallery location we have that covered two. Get a full break down by location and consultant.

360° Gallery View

you gallery made simple

Have a single view of your Gallery and all locations with the Gallery 360 view on the dashboard. Click through to view the relevant stats in more detail giving you a simpler navigation around your galleries performance and status.

How does this benefit your gallery?

Have a single view of your Gallery and all locations with the Gallery 360 view on the dashboard. Click through to view the relevant stats in more detail giving you a simpler navigation around your galleries performance and status.