The Bespoke CRM for
Independent Art Galleries


designed specifically for art galleries​

You can finally choose a business solution that captures your administrative and sales frustrations and turns them into powerful opportunities for growth and improvement.

For the first time art galleries can employ a technological solution that will streamline their business process without the anger of team members claiming; “It’s too complicated!” From a central dashboard every consultant can find clients, leads, tasks, events, portfolios and even emails in just seconds. 

individual & team

target management

You analyse gallery results and set the sales targets, but are they visible and motivational for your team?

Whether it be monthly, quarterly, or annually, every team member can instantly access a clear visualisation of their targets, review their leads and sales achieved. Gallery View makes the entire client sales process an upwardly motivational experience. As the gallery owner or manager you always have immediate access to the latest overview of team and individual performances.


creation and management

How many sales have you lost due to poor lead management?
More importantly, where are you generating new leads from for tomorrow’s sales?

This can be a frustrating topic of conversation at any art gallery. We have made sure that Gallery View will guide your team through the evolution from their initial Potential Client status, to a Regular Client and even through to Premier Status. These additional client mapping tools allow your consultants to take control of their lead generation process. They have the power to generate and progress their leads at the precise time in an accurate way. Keep your entire team onboard with your gallery objectives.

time management

tool suite

It’s the end of uncontrolled spreadsheets ruling your gallery, and missed appointments affecting your sales.

All clients, leads, tasks and appointments are easily managed with a few clicks. When you are using our centralised client relations management system your team is able to maximise efficiency across the gallery. After a guided onboarding session Gallery View allows your staff to create fluid, progressive relations with all of your clients, allowing your consultants to make the best use of their time and to employ valuable client touch points.


your client's journey

Wouldn’t it be great if your team remembered every detail about every experience for every one of your gallery clients?

Now they can. Gallery View automatically connects every client to their favourite artists, recommended connected artists, types of artwork, mediums, cost brackets, previous purchases, and your team can visualise all of these details with a single click. As your consultants use simple elements such as tags and notes to build a detailed historical blueprint of your clients’ artistic preferences, experiences, hobbies and family relations they will be able to enhance the client journey, and increase their sales and productivity.


portfolio management

“I hoped that painting would still be available!” “What can we offer this client that will fit her preferences?”

The often tedious and complicated process of your staff understanding and managing the gallery and client portfolios becomes a streamlined delight with Gallery View. You can search for and view all items in your gallery portfolio, cross check with your client’s portfolio, check artwork availability, and then send your recommendations with a visual link to your client via email directly from Gallery View. Efficiency and personal client interest at every stage of the process.