So how did

Gallery View CRM

come to be?

Just like any fantastic meal, the quality of the ingredients, the experience of the chef and that knowledge of just what your guests are looking for all make for a succesful result.

Gallery View merges Lotte’s extensive experience in gallery management, sales, and client journey expertise with Tony’s two decades of leadership in IT, cyber security, and CRM design. Together, they’ve crafted a powerful, innovative CRM tailored specifically for art galleries.

The Birth of Gallery View

The entire client building process is very rewarding and also a lot of fun. There is nothing more satisfying than taking your client on the perfect journey, making them feel super special & achieving the brief that they have laid out for you.

Gallery View CRM is the result of all of those years of experience training and managing teams of consultants, coordinating numerous artist events and caring for loyal gallery clients. 

So what's next Lotte?

I am now keenly looking forward to this next phase of my career, with Gallery View.

It will be great getting back to working closely with galleries. I will be guiding them to implement a smooth and productive onboarding and training process for all of our new gallery partners.

It might be a coffee at your place, a video demo of the platform or a simple phone call to answer your questions, but I’m excited about working with you soon.  

“A coffee, a video call or a chat on the phone. Let’s talk about your gallery.”

Is it possible to achieve sustained gallery success without digital systems in place aiding us to be streamlined, proactive, attentive and efficient?

Art Gallery Experience

In 2009 I made my most important career change by stepping into the art industry as a Gallery Manager for a publishing house. That was where my love of art escalated and my advanced knowledge of sales came into its own.

Over the next 12 years I successfully managed and developed an inherited gallery for 6 years and a brand new venture gallery from the ground up for an additional 6 years, achieving and surpassing targets and expectations on a monthly and annual basis. 

As is the case with most gallery managers/owners, I have always been fascinated by the  development of the key stages in the client journey process that leads to the purchase of artwork. 

Meet the Directors

Art Gallery Experience

In 2009 I made my most important career change by stepping into the art industry as a Gallery Manager for a publishing house. That was where my love of art escalated and my advanced knowledge of sales came into its own.

Over the next 12 years I successfully managed and developed an inherited gallery for 6 years and a brand new venture gallery from the ground up for an additional 6 years, achieving and surpassing targets and expectations on a monthly and annual basis. 

As is the case with most gallery managers/owners, I have always been fascinated by the  development of the key stages in the client journey process that leads to the purchase of artwork. 

The Birth of Gallery View

The entire client building process is very rewarding and also a lot of fun. There is nothing more satisfying than taking your client on the perfect journey, making them feel super special & achieving the brief that they have laid out for you.

Gallery View CRM is the result of all of those years of experience training and managing teams of consultants, coordinating numerous artist events and caring for loyal gallery clients. 

So what's next Lotte?

I am now keenly looking forward to this next phase of my career, with Gallery View.

It will be great getting back to working closely with galleries. I will be guiding them to implement a smooth and productive onboarding and training process for all of our new gallery partners.

It might be a coffee at your place, a video demo of the platform or a simple phone call to answer your questions, but I’m excited about working with you soon.  

“A coffee, a video call or a chat on the phone. Let’s talk about your gallery.”

Is it possible to achieve sustained gallery success without digital systems in place aiding us to be streamlined, proactive, attentive and efficient?

Art Gallery Experience

In 2009 I made my most important career change by stepping into the art industry as a Gallery Manager for a publishing house. That was where my love of art escalated and my advanced knowledge of sales came into its own.

Over the next 12 years I successfully managed and developed an inherited gallery for 6 years and a brand new venture gallery from the ground up for an additional 6 years, achieving and surpassing targets and expectations on a monthly and annual basis. 

As is the case with most gallery managers/owners, I have always been fascinated by the  development of the key stages in the client journey process that leads to the purchase of artwork.